Evolution of a BH pair in a spherical
galaxy with 64k particles. BH mass is 1% of the total mass of the
galaxy. Initial galaxy model is a Plummer model.
Gravothermal Oscillation with 32k
particles. The x-axis is log radius. The white curve is the log number
density and the red curve is log temperature. The system of units is
Heggie units. Each frames are running average over 80
snapshots. Sampling period is 0.5 time unit (in late phases 0.125).
Capture of the protomoon by
Well, I'm NOT against the giant impact hypothesis. This calculation
resulted in a direct capture of moon simply because initial angular
momentum is a bit too large. Mass ratio of the earth and impactor is
4:1, and initial orbit is parabolic. More movies are comming
soon. (Nov 9, 1998)