Stellar Collisions

Collision of two polytropic (n=1.5) stars from parabolic initial condition. The periastron distance of initial orbit is 0.5, in the unit where initial stellar radius us about 2.5 (G=M=1). Color indicates the temperature.

All movies are GIF animations. If you want to replay the movie, you may need to use xanim or some other animation viewer.

64k particles, 2MB
32k particles, 1.8MB
16k particles, 1.5MB
8k particles, 1.2MB
4k particles, 0.9MB
2k particles, 0.6MB
1k particles, 0.4MB

Headon collisions

32k particles, 2.2MB
16k particles, 1.7MB
8k particles, 1.3MB
4k particles, 1MB
2k particles, 0.7MB
1k particles, 0.5MB

Last updated: Jan 19, 1999